This API endpoint retrieves audit logs for all API keys within a top-level client, providing a comprehensive overview of usage. It supports querying logs for a specific user's API key ID to facilitate focused analysis.
Requests to FloQast's API must be authenticated using an API key. The API key must be included in the x-api-key
header of each request and can be generated in the FloQast application. The key should also have the correct permissions to access the API endpoints you are using. Directions to generate an API key
Specifies the start date (inclusive) for logs to be retrieved. The date must be in the ISO 8601 format like YYYY-MM-DD.
Specifies the end date (inclusive) for logs to be retrieved. The date must be in the ISO 8601 format like YYYY-MM-DD.
Specifies the user API key ID to filter logs by.
The number of items to return. If not specified, the API will return a default of 30,000 items, which is the maximum value.
Pagination cursor that indicates the starting position for the next set of items
curl -i -X GET \
'' \
-H 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
{ "data": [ { … } ], "links": { "self": "/api/v1/audit-trail?filter[startDate]=2023-11-01&filter[endDate]=2023-12-01&page[size]=12000&page[cursor]=5e94d5b63f557b001420bbe3", "next": "/api/v1/audit-trail?filter[startDate]=2023-11-01&filter[endDate]=2023-12-01&page[size]=12000&page[cursor]=5e94d5b63f557b001420bbe6" } }