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Generating an FQ API Key

To utilize FloQast API services, you must generate an API key. Managers and Admins in FloQast can access the API Keys settings tab in their Admin Settings. Once there, they can see any previously created API Keys and create new Keys.

Admins must toggle a setting on this page to allow Sys Admin users access.

Create New Key

  1. Navigate to your API Keys tab within FloQast Admin Settings: API Key Admin Settings
  2. Configure the new API key's settings by filling in the following fields:
  • New API Key Name: Put the desired name for your API Key.
  • Expiration: This is the date the API Key will expire. You can choose from 365 days, 90 days, 60 days, 30 days, a custom date, or no expiration. FloQast strongly recommends setting an expiration date for security purposes.
  • Select API Services: Choose which API Services this key should have access to. - By default, you will have the option to pull data for Core Reconciliations, Checklists, Users, Entities, and Key Data. - If you want to access additional FloQast's API features, please contact your Accounting Success Manager or API Key Admin Settings
  1. Click Create API Key.

This will bring you back to the main settings tab, with your new key available to copy. This is the only time this will be displayed. After leaving this page, you will not be able to access this key again. API Key Admin Settings

Key Management

After key creation, you can see the Key Name, status, the services the key has access to, the Admin who created the key, and the creation, last used, and expiration dates.

  • You can delete the key by clicking the trash can to the right. API Key Admin Settings

Key Expiration

After a key is deleted or expired, you can see the deactivated and expired keys as well, alongside the date the key was deactivated. You can also filter the list of keys by Active, Expired, and Deactivated. API Key Admin Settings